Advanced Learning Module: Exercise Prescription for Older Adults
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This 4-part webinar will educate qualified exercise professionals on:
how to work with older clients
provide a broad overview to all who attend as to the physiological aspects of aging and the importance of being physically active in our older years
Customized for the CSEP Certified member, successful completion of this webinar will bring advanced knowledge and ease when working with older clients, including the physically frail at one end and the physically fit at the other.
The modules will examine and explore issues related to Exercise Prescription for Older Adults, including:
Age-associated Physiological Change
Fitness and Functional Assessment in Older Adults
Exercise Prescription for the Older Adults
Exercise for Special Populations: From Fit to Frail
For questions regarding this online learning product, please contact
Additional Details:
Presented by: Dr. Gareth Jones, CSEP-CEP, IE
CSEP Members receive <strong>8 professional development credits (PDCs)</strong> for completing this activity.