Peer to Peer Learning Series: Diastasis Recti: Assess and Restore

Peer to Peer Learning Series: Diastasis Recti: Assess and Restore
Regular price $65.00

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Instructor: Sarah Zahab, BSc, R.Kin, CSEP-CEP

Diastasis recti or abdominal separation is a common and natural occurrence in pregnancy, in the postnatal period as well as many other populations (including males).  Learn how to assess for DRA for the in supine and upright positions as well as movement screens that can identify symptoms of a DRA.  Identify the difference between a functional and non-functional DRA.  Learn effective and safe movements that will help optimize diastasis (hint: all movements can be okay!) as well as daily lifestyle tips to aid in optimizing breathing, alignment and intra-abdominal pressure management in addition to exercise guidelines. 

Enrollment length: 3 months


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