Certification Preparation: Pharmacology Basics for the CSEP-CEP Candidate

Certification Preparation: Pharmacology Basics for the CSEP-CEP Candidate
Regular price $70.00

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This webinar will provide a basic overview of pharmacology as it relates to the scope of practice of a Clinical Exercise Physiologist. While the seminar is aimed to support your knowledge of this area, its content is not meant to fully prepare you for the CSEP-CEP theory exam.

This presentation will provide a basic overview of the knowledge and skills required meet the Pharmacology CSEP-CEP Core Competencies which include:

  • Ability to collect information on the current medical regimen of the client
  • How to use common resources to search for information on medications
  • Being familiar with drugs that are commonly prescribed for injuries/chronic conditions amongst the body systems
  • The understanding of the interaction between exercise and common medications

For questions regarding this online learning product, please contact info@csep.ca.

Additional Details:

  • Presented by: Dr. Karen Kendall, Ph.D., CSEP-CEP, CAT(C), CSCS, ESSAM AEP
  • CSEP Members receive <strong>8 professional development credits (PDCs)</strong> for completing this activity.
  • Format: Pre-recorded presentation
  • Duration: Approximately 0.5 hours of content
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